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shake your bonbon.

The whole world is currently losing its shit over the fact that Ricky Martin has come out of the closest publicly. 

1. Who cares?

2. I thought we all knew he was gay anyway.

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Stacey said...

So freakin' true! Was Ricky Martin being gay actually news to anyone? Anyone except the guy living in a cave, under a rock, in the middle of the Amazon?

Julie said...

So he confirmed what we already knew. I mean all those years dating Rebeca de Alba without a ring or something had to account for something.

Anyways, he's a great performer and artist and that's all that matters anyway.

Jen said...

disappointed, yes. shocked? no. Why do things like this have to make the news? Honestly, I want a newsflash that says I'm straight and single and searching for Mr. Right...

Death Wears Diamond Jewellery said...

i thought he'd already come out too. didn't he have a baby a few years ago? does he have a new albumn/tv show/movie coming out, why are they telling us this? no one is surprised

The Snarky Narwhal said...

well good for him for getting it off his chest.

Rachel Elizabeth said...

Thank you. Why is everyone acting shocked?